Linux系统:Centos7环境搭建Redis单台和集群环境_Linux ...:2021-7-8 · 本文将为您描述Linux系统:Centos7环境搭建Redis单台和集群环境,具体操作过程:一、环境和版本 Linux:centos7 三台 三台Linux服务 |
LIQRP Picnic, Summer, 2001 |
EMail me at: wb2art
(at) arrl (dot) net Ken
in Oakdale, New York (USA)
to other things I'm doing (not ham radio).
Sayville is located
approximately 65 miles east of New York City, on the south shore of
Long Island.
Licensed in 1962 as WN2ART. Passed technician in 1963
and became WB2ART. Earned code credit (13 wpm) and was
'grandfathered' to General on 9-27-98, after getting my code speed up
(pushed a bit by Bernie,WO2N and Jim, KF2G, thanks guys). Passed the
Advanced, then upgraded to Extra (after the new rules took place).
Look for me on the low bands. I operate on the RCARC/LIMARC repeaters
(see below), low band cw (mostly contesting), RTTY and PSK31.
CW is a lot of fun, and a part of ham radio since before I was
licensed. Give it a try! (Remember it's the first DIGITAL mode!)
My wife (Barbara) just found this picture (1/2/08) It's my first (real) shack, sometime between 1962-1967. Hammarlund HQ110A, Ameco TX-62, Turner 454X Crystal microphone (Still have it!), Heath HO-10 monitor scope. Knight SWR Bridge. To the left of the receiver probably a 6 or 2 meter converter. I also had the Ameco VFO for the TX-62. |
My old shack in Merrick, NY. Pictured: left rack
- an old 220mhz repeater, right rack - an old switch rack I
built, don't remember why. My Drake 2B/2BQ and an old RCA
oscillograph (still havethat). And note that old model (I think)
15 teletype machine. . |
My old QSL card, designed by my cousin Suzie. |
付费shadowsock账号哪里买 - 马洪飞博客:2021-12-11 · 付费shadowsock账号哪里买? 这个问题很难回答,目前科学上网一半可伃分为伃下几种: ss ssr v2ray wireguard 1和2目前阻断比较严重,墙高了。。。 3的话目前直接tcp阻断严重,ws的话偶尔有阻断,ws + tls 目前还可伃,暂时无阻断,待观察。
I started with a Heathkit
'Twoer' , back in 1962 (First contact was with Charlie, WA2EUS.
When I upgraded to Tech (and took over my mom's sewing room), I got
an HRO-5 (with
plug-in coils). I also had an Ameco
6 & 2 meter transmitter and later replaced the HRO with a
HQ-110A. When I moved to Holbrook in 1973, I got interested in 2
meter FM. I had Standard Horizon II's, which were crystal controlled.
I also had purchased a Drake
2B and 2BQ (In winter 2005 I purchased one on Ebay). I also built
a 220mhz repeater and later donated it to the Radio Central ARC.
During one RCARC hamfest, I won a certificate to purchase a
Ten-Tec Century 21 Digital at
half price. I went with my buddy Stu, K2RPZ(sk). The radio never got
much use (Sold it on EBay with the tuner, keyer & xtal
calib.).After moving to Sayville (1985), I got re-interested in ham
radio around the early 90's and I purchased a TS-570D(g)
. I put up a HyGain
DX-77vertical, and had a ball. Early in 1999, I purchased and
built an
centos7搭建shadowsock . Elecraft #5048 also joined the shack in the
fall of 2005 (Sold it in 2007). It was built rework-free and "option
ready", using Rework Eliminator option bypass headers which are
available from www.unpcbs.com.
Elecraft K3 #253 joined the shack Feb 18, 2008. Sold my LDG
Electronics AT-11 automatic tuner on Ebay. Also have an OHR
WM-2 wattmeter and a Tigertronics
Signal-Link interface (for PSK 31 and other digital modes). I
have recently begun the restoration of a Drake
2B/2BQ and an Eico 723. Pictures to
follow soon.
The shack at WB2ART,Sayville NY (02-23-2007) |
Associations/Clubs I belong to:
ARRL - American Radio Relay League
Fists CW Club - (#3456)
centos7搭建shadowsock - Quarter Century Wireless Association
QCWA New York Chapter 81
Ten-Ten International. I am collecting 10-10 numbers, so meet me on 10! I hold 10-10# 68484.
RCARC - Radio Central ARC
LIMARC - Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club.
centos7搭建shadowsock - Great South Bay ARC.
LIQRP - Long Island QRP Radio Club (Membership Number 16).
Straight Key Century Club - My number is 2022.
North American QRP CW Club - My number is 1443.
Useful links:
The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy
Get your centos7搭建shadowsock here.
Gateway to Amateur Radio Website (AC6V)
DX Alerts from the GOLIST
E-Ham.Net web site
New Jersey QRP Club & Norcal QRP Club now combined into the American QRP Club
Ham Radio Online Magazine
centos7搭建shadowsockLogging/ContestProgram (Shareware) by Tom Dandrea, N3EQF. The new windows version can be ordered from this website.
Q Signals for Morse Code
FCC Amateur Pages
OPDX Dx Bulletins
Contest News & Stuff
Click here to see our QST new Rework Eliminator product announcement Click here to see our Mic Adapter new product announcement |
An alternative way to build your K2! |
Check out RC's Rework Eliminator page! |
Elecraft K2, K1 and KX1 Plates |
Thoughts on QSLing |
1010 LookUp Program |
Setting up the Kenwood TS-570D(G) for PSK31 |
PSK31- New Digital Mode |
centos7搭建shadowsock |
CentOS7.4 搭建 ss - 暮无雪企码博客:2021-2-7 · 然后在本地下载并安装(影梭)Shadowsock的win版本,在手机上也有对应的Android和IOS版本,可自行下载安装, 配置时候只要输入IP ... 搭建samba服务器实现文伀共享 459 阅读 【董天一】Filecoin: 矿工是怎么赚取FIL的 211 阅读 heic转换格式的两种方法 为 ... |
80 Meter ARDF Receiver's |
This is our cat 'Repete'. I suppose operating time is over. |
My Men's Bowling League |
LakeSide Model Sailing Club |
This is my Viper (Marblehead) --> |
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© 2006-2022 Ken Kaplan WB2ART